Several days ago my husband and I were sitting out on our back deck. He had just gotten off of work and we were just talking about our day. We live in an apartment and behind our building is our parking lot and a very steep road that leads up to more apartment buildings. There are many children, including my own three, that play and ride bikes in this area. As we are sitting there a car comes flying down the hill so fast that the car bottoms out and tears through the parking lot. As the car passes by I yelled out "Slow down!". That's it, two words. Apparently the man driving the car didn't take kindly to being told what to do because he put his car in reverse and slammed on his brakes and proceeded to yell and swear at me, telling me to "Mind my own f***ing business". My husband calmly said that it was our business because we live here and our kids play here. This guy proceeds to yell and cuss me out and then drives off. We then both go inside to mind our own business and relax. Approximately 15 minutes later we here yelling coming from the parking lot. My husband goes to our back door and see the guy plus two of his friends are now outside. My husband goes outside and tries to talk to the guy and diffuse the situation. This guy didn't want to talk and starts coming up our deck stairs all while taking his shirt off. At this point my husband starts backing up towards our patio door which was still open. My husband comes inside the apartment and shuts the door. He goes to grab his phone to call the police when he hears the patio door open and sees this guys to start to cross our threshold.
At this point I should state that we are gun owners. We own three hand guns a .22, a .380 Beretta, a Taurus Judge which fires a .45 caliber bullet as well as a .410 shot gun shell. The Judge is no joke, and my husbands favorite and the closest to him at the time. My husband cocked the hammer and pointed the gun at the ground in front of the man who was entering our home. He informed him that if he took one more step he would defend our home and family with whatever means necessary. The guy stops and my husband proceeds to call 911 and during this call informs the 911 operator that he has a gun pointed at this man and that he will fire if the man comes farther into the home. The man threatens to kill my husband for calling the cops and then turns and runs down our steps gets in his car and takes off, we were only able to get a partial plate number but knew the guy lived up the street. This is where my shock and outrage comes into play. My husband tells someone that he is about to shoot an intruder and it takes the police 45 minutes to get there. And by police I mean ONE cop, ONE! Not the cavalry blazing in all lights and sirens and bullet proof vests like you see on TV or movies, one guy who looked like he was on the verge of retirement. My whole family could've been murdered and this guy would've been heading to another state by the time he showed up. Oh and he was thrilled to be there too. He took down our information and the details of what happened, got back in his car and drove up the street to see if he could find him, he couldn't. He then tells us that there is nothing more he can do, gives us a report number, says a detective will be in touch, and then he leaves. We were dumbfounded.
A couple days later we are outside again and here comes the same guy driving through our parking lot again! This time we got his license plate number in full. My husband quickly calls the police and tells them that the guy is at his house and that we were able to get a plate number. They send a regular uniformed officer, a different one, who comes in and asks what's going on. We explain what happened previously and that we got his license plate number and that he is up at his house now. The cop says that there is really nothing he can do because he didn't originally respond to the first call. He said he would note the report. He then proceeds to chastise me for yelling at him in the first place saying that all this happened because of that. He said that in this day you can't do that because this is what happens.
A few days later they finally send a CSI tech to dust our door for his fingerprints, after it happened almost a week ago. This guy is still driving around my neighborhood and the police have still done nothing. I have a huge respect for the police and what they do, but this has definitely tarnished that. I no longer feel safe in my home or in the fact that the police are there to protect us.
Mom of 3 = CHAOS
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Review: 180 Cosmetics Pure Swiss Hyaluronic Acid Serum + Vitamin C

With my 37th birthday right around the corner, I have been looking for ways to keep wrinkles from creeping their way onto my face. There are an overwhelming amount of product available and all claim to be the next Fountain of Youth. I, up until recently, only use a light weight moisturizer with sunscreen as my beauty regime. As I will soon be 40-3, as my husband loves to point out, I decided I need to step up my game so that I don't start looking 40+3. This why I was excited to try 180 Cosmetics Pure Swiss Hyaluronic Acid Serum + Vitamin C.
Hyaluronic acid is found naturally in almost every cell in our bodies but it's largest concentrations are found in our skin tissue. It provides continuous moisture to our skin. When we are young, our skin is smooth and elastic due to the large concentration of hyaluronic acid. As we get older, we start to produce less which means our skin loses moisture.
I get dry skin on my face frequently so I was excited to try the serum to see if it helped. Following the products directions, I place 5 drops of the serum in the palm of my hand. I then applied small amounts of the serum to each area of my face, avoiding the eyes, and massaged it in circular motions. I then let it fully absorb and dry and then apply my moisturizer.
At first I really didn't notice a change in my skin. A little after a week though I noticed that I hadn't seen any dry patches on my face like I used to get. I was ecstatic! Having dry skin and wearing foundation isn't a pretty combo, the dryness is extremely noticeable and often looks scaly. Another change I noticed was that my face felt softer to the touch, I assume this can be attributed to the extra moisture in my skin. One thing I was worried about was the serum causing my skin to break out. I have always had problems with acne and in the past some skin care products, for whatever reason, have caused my skin to freak out. This, thankfully,was not an issue. If anything I feel like my acne has gotten better. I will definitely continue using 180 Cosmetics Pure Swiss Hyaluronic Serum + Vitamin C. I loved the results I saw!
** I was provided the product for free for the purpose of my review. No compensation was offered. This post may contain affiliate links. All opinions ate my own and are completely unbiased.**

Sunday, June 14, 2015
Book Review: Cold Fear by Rick Mofina
Emily Baker has struggled desperately to hide her past, even from her husband Doug and her daughter Paige. As she begins to crack under the pressure, and it starts to tear apart her family, her therapist suggests she return to her childhood home to finally face her past and bury it. Emily and Doug decide to turn the trip into some much needed family bonding and heads to Glacier National Park with their daughter Paige and their puppy Kobee. They plan on camping in one of the most remote parts of the park, a region called The Devil's Grasp.
Doug's patience begins to wear thin when Emily won't confide in him. This eventually leads to a screaming argument. Needing time to think and cool off Emily goes off into the park alone, leaving Doug and Paige behind at their campsite. Doug, trying to work off his anger, begins chopping wood. Paige having witnessed her parents blow out, is worried that her parents are getting a divorce and desperately tries to talk to her dad. Doug screams at her to go find her mother, not paying attention when the ax slips and he badly cuts his hand. In a fit of rage, Doug screams at Paige, with the ax in his hand and gushing blood, to leave him alone and begins to chase her off. Terrified Paige grabs Kobee, her puppy, and takes off into the forest. While walking through the forest, Paige loses Kobee. Frantically searching for him she suddenly realizes she has no idea where she is at, and it's getting dark.
Doug, thinking Paige has finally gotten the point and went to find Emily, heads back to the campsite to take care of his hand. A couple of hours goes by when Doug sees Emily walking up to the campsite, alone. He asks where Paige is and then realizes Emily has no idea and that Paige never went to her. Panic sets in as the parents desperately start searching the quickly darkening woods for their missing daughter. With no sight of Paige or Kobee, Doug decides to hike out in the dark to find help.
With Paige having been missing for almost 24 hours by the time Doug reaches help, the seriousness of the situation draws immediate media interest. There is immediate suspicion that Doug and Emily are somehow responsible, especially when the FBI agents assigned to the case see the wound on Doug's hand. As the investigation mounts it becomes worldwide news. Reporters are trying to come up with anything on Doug and Emily's lives that may answer what happened to Paige. As certain things are uncovered by the reporters, the FBI begins building their case. But are they right? Did Paige's parents have something to do with her disappearance? What are they hiding?
Cold Fear will keep you guessing all the way to the end, I couldn't put it down. I would give it a 4 out of 5 stars.
**This post may contain affiliate links. All opinions are my own and completely unbiased.**
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Product Review: Shielo Antioxidant Leave In Protectant

I've been dying my hair since I was 14. In the last 22 years I have gone through the color spectrum and back again. That's a lot of chemicals on these locks! I've also spent a lot of money so it's important to me to pamper my hair, but I also want to pamper my pocket too!
I had the opportunity to review a product that helps do both! Anyone who colors their hair knows that UV light causes your color to fade. Shielo Antioxidant Leave In Protectant not only provides UV protection, it helps fortify each strand of hair, protects hair from the damage of heat styling all while giving your hair some texture. Shielo's protective complex is a blend of pro-vitamins, proteins, and amino acids. Shielo uses all natural organic extracts and is paraben and formaldehyde free.
Now that the weather is nice, I plan on being outside as much as possible. I will definitely be using Shielo Leave In Protectant to help keep my color looking fresh. check out the full line of the Shielo hair are products, all of which are designed for color protection! While you're there be sure to check out their skincare line as well!
**I was given this product for free for the purpose of my review. No compensation was offered. All opinions are my own and unbiased.**
**I was given this product for free for the purpose of my review. No compensation was offered. All opinions are my own and unbiased.**

Monday, March 30, 2015
Movie Review: It Follows
Friday night Chris and I found ourselves childless. The kiddos were at Grandpa's house for a sleepover and our oldest was spending the night with her BFF. Whoop-whoop, date night!! Having just watched a trailer for It Follows the night before, we decided to go to the 10:25 showing. Chris and I both really liked it. It had a throw back to the 80's horror movie vibe which was enhanced by the music that was playing. The story line was unique as well and was left open to the possibility of a sequel. Check out the trailer below!
It Follows stars Maika Monroe as Jay Height. After going on a couple of dates with a guy named Hugh, she decides to sleep with him, and he passes on something to her, and I'm not talking about an STD. What follows her after this encounter doesn't think, it doesn't feel, and it doesn't give up until you're dead.
It Follows stars Maika Monroe as Jay Height. After going on a couple of dates with a guy named Hugh, she decides to sleep with him, and he passes on something to her, and I'm not talking about an STD. What follows her after this encounter doesn't think, it doesn't feel, and it doesn't give up until you're dead.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
The Leftovers
When I first saw the previews for HBO's new show The Leftovers, I was excited and intrigued. However after just watching the final episode of the season all I feel is stupid and pissed off. I don't get it, what the hell is it about? I'm a relatively smart person and so is my husband. We are huge movie and TV watchers and we really get into our shows. Neither one of can figure out what this show is about! That being said, I will still watch the next season just to see if it ever gets to the point.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Book Review & Giveaway: Final Dawn: Season 1 by Mike Kraus
I'm a huge fan of the post apocalyptic genre of books and movies. I actually stumbled across this series of books by accident while searching for something new to read on Amazon. For those that aren't familiar with this genre, there are a few different types: nuclear event, zombie, and global illness. Final Dawn: Season 1 by Mike Kraus deals with a world wide nuclear event... with a twist.
Final Dawn is told from the point of view of four characters: Rachel, Leonard, Marcus, and Nancy. It follows them from the moment of the nuclear event through their struggle for survival and their fight to save humanity. I loved the development of the characters and how I felt like I knew them by the end of the series. The only thing I didn't like about the book was that certain parts of it, I felt, needed more explanation while others needed less. Overall it was a good read and action packed! It received 4 out 5 stars on Amazon and a 3.80 on Goodreads. Final Dawn was originally released as short episodes with 1-2 issues a month but you can now purchase it on Amazon in seasons which contain all the episodes together which is how I recommend you get it as the episodic form just isn't enough!
I liked the series so much that I'm giving away the first season to one of my readers! The winner will have a choice of either a Kindle or paperback version. Giveaway is open to residents of the US and Canada only. The winner will have 48 hours to respond to the email announcing their win, if winner doesn't respond then Rafflecopter will then choose a new winner. All entries will be verified and any entry that does not comply with the entry task will be disqualified. Good luck and thanks for reading my review. I hope you enjoy the book as much as I did!
**I was not compensated for this post.**
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Final Dawn is told from the point of view of four characters: Rachel, Leonard, Marcus, and Nancy. It follows them from the moment of the nuclear event through their struggle for survival and their fight to save humanity. I loved the development of the characters and how I felt like I knew them by the end of the series. The only thing I didn't like about the book was that certain parts of it, I felt, needed more explanation while others needed less. Overall it was a good read and action packed! It received 4 out 5 stars on Amazon and a 3.80 on Goodreads. Final Dawn was originally released as short episodes with 1-2 issues a month but you can now purchase it on Amazon in seasons which contain all the episodes together which is how I recommend you get it as the episodic form just isn't enough!
I liked the series so much that I'm giving away the first season to one of my readers! The winner will have a choice of either a Kindle or paperback version. Giveaway is open to residents of the US and Canada only. The winner will have 48 hours to respond to the email announcing their win, if winner doesn't respond then Rafflecopter will then choose a new winner. All entries will be verified and any entry that does not comply with the entry task will be disqualified. Good luck and thanks for reading my review. I hope you enjoy the book as much as I did!
**I was not compensated for this post.**
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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